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Project Prototype - Card Shuffler

The curiosity of identity and destiny has always intrigued humans. There aren’t any other animals on earth who seek information about their heritage and future. What truly separates humans from all other animals is our ability to use tools and their role in knowledge accumulation. Playing cards have been known to exist since the 9th century in Imperial China and 15th century Europe. The number of shuffled variations using a deck of cards is almost too high for the human mind to fathom. There are so many variations than when we shuffle a deck of cards it is likely that the order of card has never existed in history before. Therefore, when stakes like large quantities of money are tied to the cards, the curiosity to gain control of an uncontrollable outcome can lead to the individuals own financial demise. Similarly, when meaning of divination and curiosity, regarding where you have been and where you are going are tied to the outcomes, people will trade their hard earned money for information to satiate their curiosity.
For my interactive artwork, I have decided to create a digital card shuffler, by combining archaic tools like playing cards and modern tools like an Arduino micro controller, I aim to observe the innate sense of curiosity that defines our consciousness and sense of self.

















The participant takes two halves of a deck of cards and places them on each platform. The two motors drive wheels to propel the cards in a cascade of probability and outcomes. When there is no meaning, but to see how the machine operates in a demonstration of card shuffling, I expect the participant’s curiosity to be of little engagement. However, when given an outcome for any ‘even’ number result, the participant will receive a chocolate gold coin. This meaning has been placed on the card’s outcome and curiosity becomes engaged.
Through experimentation I have developed what kind of interaction and way I want to use the Arduino. For my presentation of my idea to my peers and tutor, I received some helpful feedback for my idea, such as using more sensors like RFID tags activating corresponding videos to the card’s identity. Using these kind of sensors intrigued me, however I am aiming to achieve a result that is within my early understanding of programming an Arduino using basic motors and servo modules. Some further feedback I really liked was the idea of using more than just playing cards. A deck of 52 cards with different messages on them, giving the illusion of divination of the users identity or divination of their future.
I used a 3D animation program explore the physicality and mechanics of my prototype. The execution of my final work will require bringing the modules and materials together to make the physical stand and holder for the cards. There are many templates for code that can be utilised, where the parameters are changed to fit the intended project. I look forward to implementing my feedback into a work that hopefully captures the raw emotion of curiosity.

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